Pathways Study

What is the Pathways Study?

Discover the ways we are including parents and carers in this research:

Why is being a part of this study important?

It is important to hear directly from families about their needs and their experiences. We are working closely with government policy makers, with Health and Social Care and Local Authorities. Our findings will inform policy and practice recommendations for the rest of England.



PCAG: Parent/Carer Advisory Group

A PCAG with lived experience will guide the research at all stages. Everything will be checked and approved by research ethics committees so that we carry out the study with respect and care for the parents and carers who take part.

  • consists of around 6 – 8 parents/carers from within the Local Authorities chosen for the evaluation of Start for Life
  • will meet approx. 3 times per year for 3 years
  • focus will be general feedback, co-production of the evaluation and materials used, support for participant engagement, and interpretation of finding
Interested in joining the group?

Please click here and complete the form.

Any questions about the group?

Please email us on



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We are dedicated to keeping you informed about the progress and impact of our project. All our latest news and updates will be posted right here. If you are interested in learning more about the work we are doing to support children and families, stay tuned for our updates.



Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested to know more.